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Welcome to the League of Saint Peter Damian


"It is truly great to die for Christ.  But no less noble to live for Him"

[Saint Peter Damian]

Welcome to the League of Saint Peter Damian


February 23 is the feast day on the Old Calendar of Saint Peter Damian, a Doctor of the Church and the author of the Book of Gomorrah (Letter 31). 

The League of Saint peter Damian is an international Catholic apostolate dedicated to increasing devotion to this great but little-known medieval saint and to making his writings, especially his treatise,  Book of Gomorrah, better known to Catholics around the world.

Almost 1000 years ago, Saint Peter Damian with the support of Pope St. Leo IX waged a successful war against clerical sodomy and pederasty. His Book of Gomorrah, written in 1049 AD, contains the most extensive treatment and condemnation ever written by any Church Father on clerical pederasty and homosexual practices. This treatise provides a blueprint for action by the Catholic Church against these same evils. This is only one of many reasons Saint Peter Damian is the ideal patron and model for our League.

In addition to the promotion of Saint Peter Damian’s written works, the League seeks to ignite a universal campaign of spiritual warfare against the Forces of Organized Perversion which threaten our Faith, Family and Country – evils which can only be extinguished by prayer and fasting in the traditional Catholic manner.

Membership in the League of Saint Peter Damian is open to all Catholics – lay, clerical, and religious, over the age of 18.

Hierarchical support for the League is especially welcome.

There is no monetary fee associated with general membership. There is, however, a spiritual price tag associated with this early membership in the form of traditional Catholic devotions including the Rosary, the First Fridays dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the First Saturdays dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the  Fatima prayers, and the use of  Sacramentals,  most especially the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel –  in accordance with one’s circumstances and state of life.


The League of Saint Peter Damian is a special project of the U.S. Coalition for Life. This website is funded and sustained by the founders of League.

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“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.” 

[Proverbs 19:17]

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